Monday, 19 April 2010

the mobile phone innovations in India

The cricket season in India (Nov- April) also coincides with the biggest splurge in TV advertising. Since cricket is watched on TV in almost all households, it is a good way to reach out very quickly to millions of households.

This year, the advertising is being dominated by two categories:
- white goods (refrigerators/ air conditioners/ TVs)
- mobile phones.

The first category has all the usual suspetcs advertising- Videocon/ LG/ Samsung.

Its the second category that is very very interesting.

The usual suspects are all absent. Nokia- Sony Ericsson- LG- Samsung.

Instead we have a whole load of local players- Maxx, Karbonn, Spice that are shouting from the rooftops about their phones. And why not:

- they are launching models that have 2 SIMs ( a very useful feature in India where business is conducted 24/7 , 365 days a year and the phone is always on)

- a phone that serves as a remote control- again a very cool feature

What is interesting is that these phones boast all the features of a Nokia or a Samsung, and then go ahead by a few steps.

How have local manufacturers taken a step over global leaders like Nokia- LG and Samsung? Is it an issue of weak marketing, or of head-office in Finland not supporting these market needs?

Can't wait to see Karbonn and Maxx following up their current innovations with some new tricks! Well done!

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