The Mich man has succeeded in softening the word of tyres and adding a gentle personality to the dark and ‘sex less’ product. He looks human (kind of like in a space suit), manly, but not aggressively masculine. Its friendly, confident but not looking to be assertive.
Is he a friend? or a leader? Which one does he need to be to make me buy the product?
Friendly, bouncy and trustworthy are other words that come to mind. .
The Michelin logo in blue adds to the sense of confidence. However, the “better way forward” doesn’t make a memorable or desirable promise. The friendly overtures of the bibendum are lost in the ambiguity of the promise, confusing me about the product. I'm paying top why dont i get the "best way forward"?
Between the three elements (Brand name, promise and the bibendum logo), I can see French styling and the confidence of a strong brand name, but hesitance in delivering a consumer benefit- not the allure of a premium brand in the tyre market.
Leaders Can Move Fast and Fix Things
2 days ago
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